9 Şubat 2012 Perşembe
Hi, it's me again :) I can't say goodbye without adding this. It's my favourite paragraph in the book.
“Here’s a good rule about rattlesnakes and scorpions: If you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you.
Being bitten by a scorpion or even a rattlesnake is not the worst thing that can happen to you. You won’t die.
Sometimes a camper will try to be bitten by a scorpion, or even a small rattlesnake. Then he will get to spend a day or two recovering in his tent, instead of having to dig a hole out on the lake.
But you don’t want to be bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard. That’s the worst thing that can happen to you. You will die a slow painful death.
7 Şubat 2012 Salı
It's a goodbye :'(
First of all I have to say that this semester our teachers gave us as a homework the best two books of all IEL time since I have been in IEL. I finished "Schachnovelle" in two hours and I loved it. I bought another book of Stefan Zweig.
As for "Holes", I finished it this week. We talked about it at school. We found some keywords and now I would like to analyse it. This entry can be the most difficult entry I've ever written on this blog. Because it's the last entry, it's a goodbye :(
Some of my thoughts have changed since I opened this blog. At the beginning of homework I thought that it is just gonna kill my time. The time that I could spend outdoors with my friends. But it wasn't like I thought. Blogging is very entertaining. Maybe I can start a different blog, which is about fashion, lifestyle, travel, foods&drinks, cinema, design and culture. ( I mean more "artistic" )
Although I think it's a book for children, I liked the book very much. The book is very funny, but in an offbeat way. The present day parts of the "Holes" are narrated like an adventure. The historical parts are narrated like a tale. However when the parts come together, Holes becomes a puzzle and it's full of mystery. In the book, the most beautiful thing is keeping saying always "Haaaaaa!". It's an expression of surprise in Turkish language. It surprised me every moment.
The book has got lots of themes. But if I have to say five main themes, I guess, they will be "friendship, emptiness, identity,destiny and justice." There are many symbols in the book. For example: the yellow-spotted-lizards symbolize that the Camp Green Lake is a deadly place. And also the holes were the clearest symbol in the book. They symbolize eternity, despair and slavery, I think.
"You, and your children, and their children, can dig for the next hundred years and you'll never find it."
The titel fits the story perfectly. The autor wrote the book with a clear language. I could read the book easily and fast. The book was short and hasn't got any long, boring chapter or sentence. I read the book generally after 00:00 but I didn't fall asleep even once. The book is narrated in the third person. That's why dialogues have an important role to understand the characters.
I can't remember right now too many figures of speech. But as an example I can give "Excuse me". I've already told about it in an old entry. In the book Warden said always "excuse me" I think it's kind of repetition. There is also metaphor in this book. The places acts as a metaphor for character's personality. The Camp Green Lake is dry, hot, deadly and hard to live. Also people, who are in the camp, are cruel and the guys are named "bad boys". They are generally unfriendly and rude. But the God's Thumb is a good place. It is the place, where Stanley and Zero could survive with eating onions. When they were there, they felt free and happy.
I think the autor wanted to show us how affect fate and history us on in a normal day of our life. Also he became successful. He transfered us his purpose in an excellent way.
Briefly I liked the book and I definitely recommend the book to kids or disney fans =)
(594 words)
As for "Holes", I finished it this week. We talked about it at school. We found some keywords and now I would like to analyse it. This entry can be the most difficult entry I've ever written on this blog. Because it's the last entry, it's a goodbye :(
Some of my thoughts have changed since I opened this blog. At the beginning of homework I thought that it is just gonna kill my time. The time that I could spend outdoors with my friends. But it wasn't like I thought. Blogging is very entertaining. Maybe I can start a different blog, which is about fashion, lifestyle, travel, foods&drinks, cinema, design and culture. ( I mean more "artistic" )
Although I think it's a book for children, I liked the book very much. The book is very funny, but in an offbeat way. The present day parts of the "Holes" are narrated like an adventure. The historical parts are narrated like a tale. However when the parts come together, Holes becomes a puzzle and it's full of mystery. In the book, the most beautiful thing is keeping saying always "Haaaaaa!". It's an expression of surprise in Turkish language. It surprised me every moment.
The book has got lots of themes. But if I have to say five main themes, I guess, they will be "friendship, emptiness, identity,destiny and justice." There are many symbols in the book. For example: the yellow-spotted-lizards symbolize that the Camp Green Lake is a deadly place. And also the holes were the clearest symbol in the book. They symbolize eternity, despair and slavery, I think.
"You, and your children, and their children, can dig for the next hundred years and you'll never find it."
The titel fits the story perfectly. The autor wrote the book with a clear language. I could read the book easily and fast. The book was short and hasn't got any long, boring chapter or sentence. I read the book generally after 00:00 but I didn't fall asleep even once. The book is narrated in the third person. That's why dialogues have an important role to understand the characters.
I can't remember right now too many figures of speech. But as an example I can give "Excuse me". I've already told about it in an old entry. In the book Warden said always "excuse me" I think it's kind of repetition. There is also metaphor in this book. The places acts as a metaphor for character's personality. The Camp Green Lake is dry, hot, deadly and hard to live. Also people, who are in the camp, are cruel and the guys are named "bad boys". They are generally unfriendly and rude. But the God's Thumb is a good place. It is the place, where Stanley and Zero could survive with eating onions. When they were there, they felt free and happy.
I think the autor wanted to show us how affect fate and history us on in a normal day of our life. Also he became successful. He transfered us his purpose in an excellent way.
Briefly I liked the book and I definitely recommend the book to kids or disney fans =)
(594 words)
6 Şubat 2012 Pazartesi
Sam's Hero Onions
Why did I like the book? Why do I like writting about it? The answer is: the book is full of coincidences.
100 years ago Sam had an onion field somewhere and 100 years later Stanley and Zero could survive with his onions like Stanley great-grandfather. He could survive with eating these onions, too.( Kissin' Kate Barlow robbed him and left him alone at the middle of the desert..)
While Stanley and Zero were digging the last hole, the yellow-spotted-lizars appeared. They were together in the hole for a while. No one could not understand why lizards didn't bite them.
100 years ago Sam had an onion field somewhere and 100 years later Stanley and Zero could survive with his onions like Stanley great-grandfather. He could survive with eating these onions, too.( Kissin' Kate Barlow robbed him and left him alone at the middle of the desert..)
While Stanley and Zero were digging the last hole, the yellow-spotted-lizars appeared. They were together in the hole for a while. No one could not understand why lizards didn't bite them.
- The most important coincidence:
She is a real b*tch!!!This is the most action I have seen since Stanley's arrival at Camp Green Lake. I can't believe that she scratched Mr. Sir in the face with her special nail polish which is maden from rattlesnake venom. She didn't even think for a second. She did this impulsively.
She is just like her great-great-grandfather Trout Walker. She is cruel. But she is more intelligent than Trout and this quality makes her worse. She is a devil and she is ALIVE!! She has a traumatic childhood. Because she had always digged holes for finding treasure of Kate Barlow. She is obsessed with it.
And here is the question: WHY DOES SHE ALWAYS SAY "EXCUSE ME" ?
In the movie Sigourney Weaver is acting her and she is really successful.
5 Şubat 2012 Pazar
All Nicknames
Real name | Nickname |
Hector Zeroni | Zero |
Rex | X-ray |
Alan | Squid |
Stanley Yelnats | Caveman |
Personal Connection
Don't mess with a woman! It's not important which century is it.I love Katherine Barlow. She is an idol for me in this book.
- Ok. Who is she?
Green Lake = "heaven on earth"
Miss KB's spiced peaches = "food for the angels"
- Why did I say "Don't mess with a woman" ?
So far everything seems ok. But the thing is Sam is a Negro and it's against the law for a Negro to kiss a white woman. Because of that a mob of men and women destroy the schoolhouse. When Katherine goes to sheriff to ask for help, he wants to kiss her. Nobody helps her and they kill Sam.
Three days after Sam's death, she shoots the sheriff then she kisses him. For the next twenty years she is one of the most feared outlaws in all West as Kissin' Kate Barlow.
- Why is she an idol for me?
I have to confess that in the past I also did something similar to this. A b*stard pissed me off and I got my revenge. It was very satisfactory. Long story short I have a kind of special connection with her. It is easy to forgive people you like, but it's hard to forgive someone, who has betrayed you or hurt you deeply.
- If I were in her shoes, ...
That's her story. I just can say that revenge is a dish best served cold. But Sam won't come back to her whatever she does.
"You, and your children, and their children, can dig for the next hundred years and you'll never find it."(510 Words)
4 Şubat 2012 Cumartesi
Best Quates
Mr. Sir : This ain't a girl scout camp!
Mr. Sir : You thirsty?
Stanley : Yes, Mr. Sir
Mr. Sir : Well, you better get used to it. You're going to be thirsty for the next eighteen months.
Mr. Sir : This isn't a Girl Scout camp.
Mr. Sir : Take a good look around you. What do you see?
Stanley : Not much, Mr. Sir.
Mr. Sir : You see any guard towers?
Stanley : No.
Mr. Sir : How about an electric fence?
Stanley : No, Mr. Sir.
Mr. Sir : You want to run away?
Mr. Sir : If you want to run away, go ahead, start running. I'm not going to stop you.
Mr. Sir : I see you're looking at my gun. Don't worry. I'm not going to shoot you. This is for yellow-spotted lizards. I wouldn't waste a bullet on you.
Stanley : I'm not going to run away.
Mr. Sir : Good thinking. Nobody runs away from here. We don't need a fence. Know why? Because we've got the only water for a hundred miles. You want to run away? You'll be buzzard food in three days.
Mr. Pendanski : My name is easy to remember. Three easy words : pen, dance , key.
Mr. Sir : You thirsty?
Stanley : Yes, Mr. Sir
Mr. Sir : Well, you better get used to it. You're going to be thirsty for the next eighteen months.
Mr. Sir : This isn't a Girl Scout camp.
Mr. Sir : Take a good look around you. What do you see?
Stanley : Not much, Mr. Sir.
Mr. Sir : You see any guard towers?
Stanley : No.
Mr. Sir : How about an electric fence?
Stanley : No, Mr. Sir.
Mr. Sir : You want to run away?
Mr. Sir : If you want to run away, go ahead, start running. I'm not going to stop you.
Mr. Sir : I see you're looking at my gun. Don't worry. I'm not going to shoot you. This is for yellow-spotted lizards. I wouldn't waste a bullet on you.
Stanley : I'm not going to run away.
Mr. Sir : Good thinking. Nobody runs away from here. We don't need a fence. Know why? Because we've got the only water for a hundred miles. You want to run away? You'll be buzzard food in three days.
Mr. Pendanski : My name is easy to remember. Three easy words : pen, dance , key.
"If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs,
"The bark on the tree was just a little bit softer."
While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely.
He cries to the moo-oo-oon,
"If only, if only."
(page 12- Stanley's father's song)
"The bark on the tree was just a little bit softer."
While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely.
He cries to the moo-oo-oon,
"If only, if only."
(page 12- Stanley's father's song)
Holy crap!!!!Shia LaBeouf is the boy who is acting Stanley Yelnats on "Holes". But he was an unattractive, pure child. Now he became a famous actor. He'd played on Transformers series.
He also admitted to having been in a relationship with Isabel Lucas while she was still dating Adrian Grenier and Megan Fox while she was still seeing her now husband Brian Austin Green. So he is also for many women a handsome libertine man right now.
But I think he is just a lucky man, that's all. Fame, power and money attract women and he exactly knows how to use them ;)
Stanley Yelnats 'Caveman' - CHARACTER ANALYSIS
Hi everybodyToday I wanna talk about Stanley Yelnats IV, who is the main character in "Holes". He has a poor family. He is overweight and he doesn't have any friends. He was accused for stealing sneakers which belonged to famous baseball player Clyde Livingston. But actually he was innocent. He didn't steal anything. He'd just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The sneakers fell from the "sky" while he was walking home. But no one knows that. And the story that he told was absolutely not convincing. He has a choice whether to go to Camp Green Lake or to go to jail. The Camp Green Lake is equivalent to prison but he doesn't know that. That's why Stanley chooses Camp Green Lake because his family is poor and he has never been to camp.
I think that the Camp Green Lake helped him to improve his character. He used to be a chicken-hearted boy. Now he became a stronger, braver boy. He meets new people and he finds his first real friend, Hector Zeroni (Zero). The boys at the Camp Green Lake give him a nickname. They call Stanley as "Caveman". Just think a second please, a loser boy became a "Caveman". He has totally changed at the Camp Green Lake.
Yes, maybe he is sent there accidentally but probably it is the best thing he's ever experienced.
(237 words)
3 Şubat 2012 Cuma
Hidden Secrets at the Camp Green Lake
"If you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole every day in the hot sun, it will turn him into a good boy." (chapter 2 page 9)What a crazy thought?!! I don't agree ofcourse. You don't need to dig a hole every day in the hot sun for being good. If you are guilty but you see yourself as a bad person because of what you've done and you have regrets, then you can be a better person in time. It happens by itself. Because of this sentence I understood that there is something important under the ground at the Camp Green Lake. Lets see what's going on there !!
1 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba
First Impressions- Lovely Movie & Lovely Book
Hello there,The inspration came to me while I was watching TV. So I turned off it and started to write my first impressions of the book "Holes", which is my semester homework. At the beginning I thought that the book's gonna be boring. The titel wasn't fascinating and the cover picture was meaningless. I mean "Holes", what can it be about? I was not impressed at all!!!!!!! But it isn't how I expected. The book is extraordinarily good. And also I realized that I watched the movie version of the book three years ago. Mostly books are better than movie versions. I loved the movie that's why I think that the book is gonna be lovely, too. Some of my friends have already read the book and they said that the book is the best book we've ever read for homework. I've just read 6 chapter and I think it's enough to prove my thesis.
"There is no lake at Camp Green Lake."It's the first sentence of the book. If I hadn't watched the film beforehand, I might have been confused. What did autor mean? The name is Camp Green Lake but there is no lake :S I know whole story and I ofcourse there used to be a lake, but now, all that's here are holes. Holes dug by kids who have been sent here for their criminal actions. Ok for now, that's all. I'll go back to my "lovely" book Holes. Bye xoxo 257 words
31 Ocak 2012 Salı
Who am I ? Why am I writting? What will I write about?
Hi everybody,I'm student at Istanbul Lisesi. My semester homework is reading a book, which is called "Holes" from Louis Sachar and blogging about it. I'm a little bit excited because it's my first blog. I hope, you like it :)
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